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Marriage Dissolution

Marriage Dissolution Lawyers In Canton, Ohio

What Is Marriage Dissolution?

In Ohio, marriage dissolution is a less adversarial approach to divorce.

− Attorneys Jonathan Morris and Ivan Redinger, Canton, Ohio

Divorce by nature is an adversarial process, which can be costly both emotionally and financially. In Ohio, you have another option. If you and your spouse are in agreement over issues such as marital property division, child custody, child support and alimony, then uncontested marriage dissolution may be a better choice.

In marriage dissolution:

1. You and your spouse work out the issues of your dissolution ahead of time.

2. With an attorney’s help, you reduce your understanding to a separation agreement that is filed with the family court. The court will review the document for fairness under Ohio law.

3. After about six weeks, you will have a court hearing. As long as you and your spouse haven’t changed your minds, the court will grant the dissolution if it is fair.

You will be just as unmarried by marriage dissolution as by a traditional divorce. The only difference is in the legal process.

Marriage dissolution helps to keep hostility to a minimum in divorce. It also reduces your costs and enables you to end your marriage more quickly than a traditional divorce.

Understanding Your Rights And Options

It’s possible for one party to be represented by an attorney and for the other side to be unrepresented.

As your lawyer, we can advise you of your rights under Ohio law. For example, you have a right to an equitable distribution of marital property and debts, including such assets as 401(k) accounts and pension plans.

If there are immediate issues that need to be resolved, such as child custody and temporary alimony, it may be better to file for divorce now and then begin the process of negotiating a settlement.

Questions about marriage dissolution? Contact the lawyers at Redinger & Morris in Canton, Ohio, for a consultation. There is no cost unless you decide to hire us.

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